Galaxy A54 5G Keluaran Tahun Berapa

Galaxy A54 5G Keluaran Tahun Berapa

***O2: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Retail Price Index rate of inflation published in February of that year plus 3.9%.

Three: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

Vodafone: The monthly price shown plus all out of bundle charges will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

*Purchase from by 19.03.24. Apply code at checkout to redeem. Code cannot be used with other voucher codes.

**Purchase from Samsung Shop App by 31/12/24. Customer must be signed in to their Samsung Account. Apply code APP5 at checkout to redeem.

Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G là điện thoại thông minh chạy hệ điều hành Android tầm trung do Samsung Electronics phát triển và sản xuất như một phần của dòng Galaxy A. Thiết bị này được công bố vào ngày 15 tháng 3 năm 2023[5][6][7][8][9][10] và được phát hành và có sẵn vào ngày 24 tháng 3 năm 2023.

Mặt trước và mặt sau được làm bằng kính cường lực Gorilla Glass 5.[11] Nó bóng ở mặt sau, không giống như mặt kính mờ trên Galaxy S23. Khung được làm bằng nhựa mờ.

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G bị loại bỏ một camera so với mẫu máy tiền nhiệm.

Galaxy A54 5G, giống như Samsung Galaxy A53 5G, không có giắc âm thanh 3,5 mm. So với mẫu máy tiền nhiệm, nó có màn hình hiển thị nhỏ hơn 0,1 inch ở mức 6,4 inch. Ngoài ra, Galaxy A54 5G được bảo vệ chống ẩm và bụi theo tiêu chuẩn IP67.

Ở phía dưới là cổng kết nối USB-C, loa ngoài, micro và tùy từng phiên bản sẽ có khe cắm 1 SIM và thẻ nhớ microSD lên đến 1 TB hoặc khe cắm lai 2 SIM. Micrô thứ hai nằm trên đỉnh. Ở cạnh phải là các nút âm lượng và nút khóa.

Tại thị trường Việt Nam, có ba phiên bản màu chính thức: Đen Chiến Binh, Tím Tinh Anh, Xanh Dũng Mãnh.[12]

Desain bodi minimalis dengan sertifikasi IP67

Layar Super AMOLED dengan dukungan refresh rate 120 Hz

SoC kelas menengah Exynos 1380 yang oke

Kamera utama 50 MP yang dilengkapi OIS

Baterai 5000 mAh yang awet untuk pemakaian sehari penuh

* Informasi yang tercantum di atas mungkin tidak sepenuhnya akurat. Silakan hubungi kami jika menemukan kesalahan.

Apakah Samsung Galaxy A54 5G anti air?

Ya, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G mendukung fitur anti air karena punya sertifikasi IP67.

Apakah Samsung Galaxy A54 5G cocok untuk main game?

Ya, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G cocok untuk main game berat dengan setelan grafis menengah.

Di mana posisi sensor sidik jari Samsung Galaxy A54 5G?

Posisi sensor sidik jari Samsung Galaxy A54 5G berada di layar.

Apakah Samsung Galaxy A54 5G sudah fast charging?

Ya, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G sudah mendukung fast charging 25W.

Berapa lama waktu ngecas Samsung Galaxy A54 5G?

Lama mengecas Samsung Galaxy A54 5G sampai baterainya penuh sekitar 1 jam 20 menit dengan charger 25W.

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G keluaran kapan?

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G dirilis secara resmi di Indonesia pada Maret 2023.

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G punya warna apa saja?

Samsung Galaxy A54 5G punya empat opsi warna: Lime (Hijau), Graphite (hitam), Violet (ungu), White (putih).

Apakah Samsung Galaxy A54 5G sudah 5G?

Ya, Samsung Galaxy A54 5G sudah mendukung jaringan 5G.

Ch√†o m·ª´ng b·∫°n ƒë·∫øn v·ªõi b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p h√¨nh n·ªÅn c·ª±c ch·∫•t c·ªßa Samsung Galaxy A54 5G.H√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G l√† ·ª©ng d·ª•ng cho ph√©p b·∫°n t√πy ch·ªânh h√¨nh n·ªÅn m√†n h√¨nh thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa m√¨nh. B·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ ch·ªçn t·ª´ nhi·ªÅu h√¨nh n·ªÅn kh√°c nhau, ch·∫≥ng h·∫°n nh∆∞ 3d, t·ªëi, amoled, thi√™n nhi√™n, ƒë·ªông v·∫≠t, tr·ª´u t∆∞·ª£ng, ngh·ªá thu·∫≠t, v.v. ·ª®ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G c√≥ th·ªÉ gi√∫p thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa b·∫°n tr·ªü n√™n c√° t√≠nh v√† h·∫•p d·∫´n h∆°n.T·∫°i sao ch√∫ng t√¥i kh√°c v·ªõi c√°c ·ª©ng d·ª•ng c√πng lo·∫°i kh√°c? B·ªüi v√¨ ch√∫ng t√¥i cung c·∫•p cho b·∫°n nh·ªØng h√¨nh n·ªÅn ch·∫•t l∆∞·ª£ng t·ªët nh·∫•t c·ªßa Samsung Galaxy A54 5G v√† m·ªôt s·ªë b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p ƒë∆∞·ª£c l·ª±a ch·ªçn c·∫©n th·∫≠n c·ªßa ch√∫ng t√¥i ƒë·ªÉ ph√π h·ª£p nh·∫•t v·ªõi thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa b·∫°n. ·ª®ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G n√†y v·ªõi s·ª± tr·ª£ gi√∫p c·ªßa n√≥, gi·ªù ƒë√¢y b·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ l√†m cho ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i c·ªßa m√¨nh tr√¥ng gi·ªëng h·ªát Samsung Galaxy A54 5G √≠t nh·∫•t l√† tr√™n m√†n h√¨nh ch√≠nh v√† m√†n h√¨nh kh√≥a. B·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ tr·∫£i nghi·ªám h√¨nh n·ªÅn c·ªßa Samsung Galaxy A54 5G trong ·ª©ng d·ª•ng n√†y v·ªõi r·∫•t nhi·ªÅu t√πy ch·ªçn t√πy ch·ªânh c√≥ s·∫µn.H√¨nh n·ªÅn cho Samsung Galaxy A54 H√¨nh n·ªÅn 5G ch·ª©a b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p h√¨nh n·ªÅn mi·ªÖn ph√≠ ch·∫•t l∆∞·ª£ng cao ƒë·∫πp nh∆∞ pha l√™ t·ªët nh·∫•t cho ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i c·ªßa b·∫°n.·ª®ng d·ª•ng H√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G ch·ª©a b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p h√¨nh n·ªÅn ch·∫•t l∆∞·ª£ng cao ƒë·∫πp trong su·ªët nh∆∞ pha l√™ cho ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i c·ªßa b·∫°n. Ch√∫ng t√¥i hy v·ªçng r·∫±ng b·∫°n s·∫Ω th√≠ch b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p n√†y c·ªßa ch√∫ng t√¥i v√† m·ªôt s·ªë trong s·ªë ch√∫ng c≈©ng s·∫Ω l√† b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p y√™u th√≠ch c·ªßa b·∫°n.S·∫Ω c√≥ r·∫•t nhi·ªÅu danh m·ª•c ƒë·ªÉ ch∆°i. Ch√∫ng t√¥i ph√¢n lo·∫°i t·∫•t c·∫£ c√°c h√¨nh n·ªÅn d·ª±a tr√™n thi·∫øt k·∫ø v√† m·ª•c ƒë√≠ch c·ªßa ch√∫ng. N√≥ s·∫Ω gi√∫p b·∫°n ƒëi·ªÅu h∆∞·ªõng to√†n b·ªô b·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p m·ªôt c√°ch d·ªÖ d√†ng.H√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G cho thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa b·∫°n ch∆∞a bao gi·ªù tuy·ªát v·ªùi h∆°n th·∫ø. ·ª®ng d·ª•ng n√†y ƒë∆∞·ª£c thi·∫øt k·∫ø ƒë·ªÉ ho·∫°t ƒë·ªông tr√™n ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i v√† m√°y t√≠nh b·∫£ng Android.·ª®ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G l√† t·∫≠p h·ª£p c√°c h√¨nh n·ªÅn ƒë·∫πp m√† b·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ s·ª≠ d·ª•ng ƒë·ªÉ l√†m cho ƒëi·ªán tho·∫°i th√¥ng minh ho·∫∑c m√°y t√≠nh b·∫£ng c·ªßa m√¨nh tr·ªü n√™n ƒë·ªôc ƒë√°o. ƒê·ª´ng b·ªè l·ª° b·ªô h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G ƒë·∫πp nh·∫•t m√† ch√∫ng t√¥i s∆∞u t·∫ßm cho b·∫°n nh√©. ƒê·ª´ng l√£ng ph√≠ th·ªùi gian c·ªßa b·∫°n ƒë·ªÉ t√¨m ki·∫øm ·ªü ƒë√¢y v√† ·ªü ƒë√≥ v√¨ nh√≥m c·ªßa ch√∫ng t√¥i ƒë√£ ƒë∆∞a t·∫•t c·∫£ ch√∫ng v√†o ·ª©ng d·ª•ng n√†y.H√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G ch·ª©a h√¨nh n·ªÅn ch·∫•t l∆∞·ª£ng cao Full HD v√† h∆°n th·∫ø n·ªØa! T·∫•t c·∫£ h√¨nh n·ªÅn c·ªßa Samsung Galaxy A54 5G ƒë·ªÅu c√≥ ƒë·ªô ph√¢n gi·∫£i ho√†n h·∫£o ƒë·ªÉ ph√π h·ª£p v·ªõi m·∫≠t ƒë·ªô ƒëi·ªÉm ·∫£nh tr√™n m√†n h√¨nh c·ªßa b·∫°n v√† l√†m cho m√†n h√¨nh c·ªßa b·∫°n tr·ªü n√™n tuy·ªát v·ªùi.M·ªôt s·ªë t√≠nh nƒÉng c·ªßa ·ª©ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G l√†:- B·ªô s∆∞u t·∫≠p l·ªõn c√°c h√¨nh n·ªÅn ch·∫•t l∆∞·ª£ng cao ƒë∆∞·ª£c c·∫≠p nh·∫≠t th∆∞·ªùng xuy√™n.- Danh m·ª•c d·ª±a tr√™n n·ªôi dung.- Giao di·ªán th√¢n thi·ªán v·ªõi ng∆∞·ªùi d√πng cho ph√©p b·∫°n duy·ªát, t√¨m ki·∫øm v√† t·∫£i h√¨nh n·ªÅn m·ªôt c√°ch d·ªÖ d√†ng.- H√¨nh n·ªÅn ch·ª©ng kho√°n Samsung Galaxy A54 5G- C√≥ th·ªÉ l√†m vi·ªác ngo·∫°i tuy·∫øn.- Ch·∫ø ƒë·ªô xem tr∆∞·ªõc cho ph√©p b·∫°n xem h√¨nh n·ªÅn tr√¥ng nh∆∞ th·∫ø n√†o tr√™n thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa m√¨nh tr∆∞·ªõc khi √°p d·ª•ng.- C√¥ng c·ª• c·∫Øt v√† thay ƒë·ªïi k√≠ch th∆∞·ªõc cho ph√©p b·∫°n ƒëi·ªÅu ch·ªânh h√¨nh n·ªÅn cho ph√π h·ª£p v·ªõi k√≠ch th∆∞·ªõc v√† h∆∞·ªõng m√†n h√¨nh c·ªßa b·∫°n.- T√πy ch·ªçn chia s·∫ª cho ph√©p b·∫°n chia s·∫ª h√¨nh n·ªÅn c·ªßa m√¨nh v·ªõi b·∫°n b√® v√† gia ƒë√¨nh th√¥ng qua m·∫°ng x√£ h·ªôi, email ho·∫∑c ·ª©ng d·ª•ng nh·∫Øn tin.- Danh s√°ch y√™u th√≠ch cho ph√©p b·∫°n l∆∞u v√† truy c·∫≠p c√°c h√¨nh n·ªÅn y√™u th√≠ch c·ªßa m√¨nh b·∫•t c·ª© l√∫c n√†o.·ª®ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G l√† m·ªôt c√°ch tuy·ªát v·ªùi ƒë·ªÉ th·ªÉ hi·ªán b·∫£n th√¢n v√† n√¢ng cao di·ªán m·∫°o thi·∫øt b·ªã c·ªßa b·∫°n. B·∫°n c√≥ th·ªÉ t·∫£i xu·ªëng ·ª©ng d·ª•ng h√¨nh n·ªÅn Samsung Galaxy A54 5G t·ª´ C·ª≠a h√†ng Google Play. Tuy√™n b·ªë t·ª´ ch·ªëi tr√°ch nhi·ªám:ƒê√¢y l√† m·ªôt ·ª©ng d·ª•ng kh√¥ng ch√≠nh th·ª©c. T·∫•t c·∫£ c√°c nh√£n hi·ªáu v√† b·∫£n quy·ªÅn ƒë∆∞·ª£c b·∫£o v·ªá cho ch·ªß s·ªü h·ªØu t∆∞∆°ng ·ª©ng. N·ªôi dung ƒë∆∞·ª£c t·ªïng h·ª£p t·ª´ nhi·ªÅu ngu·ªìn internet kh√°c nhau v√† ƒë∆∞·ª£c s·ª≠ d·ª•ng trong ·ª©ng d·ª•ng c·ª• th·ªÉ n√†y.M·ªçi H√¨nh ·∫£nh ƒë∆∞·ª£c li·ªát k√™ trong ·ª©ng d·ª•ng n√†y ƒë·ªÅu ƒë∆∞·ª£c t√¨m th·∫•y tr√™n c√°c trang web c√¥ng c·ªông ho·∫∑c ƒë∆∞·ª£c c·∫•p ph√©p theo c√°c th·ªèa thu·∫≠n s√°ng t·∫°o ho·∫∑c s√°ng t·∫°o ngh·ªá thu·∫≠t c·ªßa ng∆∞·ªùi h√¢m m·ªô. N·∫øu b·∫°n th·∫•y r·∫±ng ch√∫ng t√¥i qu√™n ghi c√¥ng cho b·∫°n v√† mu·ªën x√°c nh·∫≠n quy·ªÅn s·ªü h·ªØu cho m·ªôt b·ª©c ·∫£nh ho·∫∑c mu·ªën ch√∫ng t√¥i x√≥a n√≥, vui l√≤ng li√™n h·ªá v·ªõi ch√∫ng t√¥i theo ƒë·ªãa ch·ªâ nh·ªã ph√¢[email protected] ƒë·ªÉ gi·∫£i quy·∫øt v·∫•n ƒë·ªÅ.

Lần cập nhật gần đây nhất

Welcome to the Fantastic Wallpapers Collection of Galaxy A54.Smartphone wallpapers, unlike wall wallpaper, do not fade into the backdrop. You're always looking at it, and it's easy to change if you don't like it or grow weary of the current image. By changing the wallpaper on your Android smart phone's home screen and lock screen you may give it a whole new look.Though you can always use a photo from your Camera Roll or Gallery as your cover image, consider selecting a custom-made wallpaper that will look excellent on your phone. Galaxy A54 Wallpaper App specializes in collecting creative background photos and offers a large range of free wallpaper selections.The Galaxy A54 Wallpaper App features the best variety of attractive, high-quality premium wallpapers for your phone. We hope you appreciate our selection and that some of them become your favorites as well.Changing the phone background on your smart phone has never been simpler. This app is compatible with both the Android phone and tablet.Personalize your smart phone or tablet with a variety of gorgeous wallpapers by using the Galaxy A54 wallpaper app. Don't miss out on the best Galaxy A54 background that we've compiled for you. Save yourself the time and trouble of looking all around because our staff has put them all in this app.Prepare for the Vibe style to give your smartphone's home or lock screen an ambient appearance. The free Galaxy A54 Wallpaper App includes a plethora of one-of-a-kind images. It has a huge selection of High Definition backgrounds.The Galaxy A54 Wallpaper App inspects each wallpaper and adapts it to fit every screen size, while its chosen image let the colors on your screen to shine through in the way that you desire.The thing that is kept in mind while designing this app is convenience of users. Galaxy A54 is concentrating on its aim- wallpaper and their quality. There is no unnecessary thing or feature. It is easy to use application. Because new wallpapers are updated every month, there is always something new and entertaining to look at. There are several categories to explore, as well as high resolution wallpapers. Each wallpaper was carefully selected, and you are free to use any of them.An average user checks his phone more than 100 times a day. So make it sure when you look at your device it will lift up your mood and you will get genuine happiness.DisclaimerPlease keep in mind that this app is not official. Every trademark and creative work is the property of its rightful owner. This application's content was assembled from a variety of web sources. Each image in this app is either from a public source, has a creative commons license, or was created by a fan. If you notice that we failed to give you credit for a photo and wish to request that it be taken down or removed, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to solve any issue.

***O2: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Retail Price Index rate of inflation published in February of that year plus 3.9%.

Three: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

Vodafone: The monthly price shown plus all out of bundle charges will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

*Purchase from by 19.03.24. Apply code at checkout to redeem. Code cannot be used with other voucher codes.

**Purchase from Samsung Shop App by 31/12/24. Customer must be signed in to their Samsung Account. Apply code APP5 at checkout to redeem.

***O2: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Retail Price Index rate of inflation published in February of that year plus 3.9%.

Three: The monthly price shown will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

Vodafone: The monthly price shown plus all out of bundle charges will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January of that year plus 3.9%.

*Purchase from by 19.03.24. Apply code at checkout to redeem. Code cannot be used with other voucher codes.

**Purchase from Samsung Shop App by 31/12/24. Customer must be signed in to their Samsung Account. Apply code APP5 at checkout to redeem.

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